Audience- 8th graders
Types of Pronouns
Personal Pronouns- used as substitutes for proper or common nouns.
Reflexive Pronouns- a personal pronoun compounded with –self to
show the agent's action affects the agent
Examples: I hurt myself.
That man is talking to himself.
They ate all the food themselves.
Reciprocal Pronouns- express mutual action or relationship.
Example: Jane and Helen greeted each other.
Demonstrative Pronouns- identifies and specifies a noun or pronoun.
Examples: This ham is good, but that chicken tastes spoiled.
It was stupid of you to do that.
I wouldn’t recommend those books; these articles contain more
up-to-date information
Indefinite Pronouns- a group of words that generally indicate
quantity or amount
Examples: Each of the members has one vote.
All of the people clapped their hands.
Are all the people happy with their gifts?
3 cases of Pronouns:
Subjective: pronouns used as subject
Objective: Pronouns used as objects of verbs or prepositions
Possessive: Pronouns which express ownership
1) Explore- Introduction of a pronoun and what case means.
2) Explain- I will explain the different types of pronoun cases
and how they are used.
3) Evaluate- We will do some practice sentences together for
practice so I am able to see if they are understanding how to
know which pronouns to use.
4) Expand- We will do an online quiz together in class. Here’s
the link to the quiz:
5) E-search- For homework: Look online and pick out any 10
sentences. Then you must circle the pronouns and tell me which
kind category they fall into.
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