Monday, April 27, 2009

In-Class Activity, Apr. 27: Limericks


(C) given the history of limericks, and the guidelines of how to compose them,

(A) the ENG300 students

(B) will get together in groups of 2-3 and compose a limerick on their own and post it on this blog,

(D) having used the correct rhyme pattern (AABBA) and rhythm.


Unknown said...

By Logan Malloy and Chris Lacy

I picked her up alone at the club,
We were much to drunk to get in my V-Dub

The plan was to take her home,
Hoping my night would end with dome

She was way too prude in my mind, she wouldn't even give a rub.

Ashley McGillis said...

From Texas there was a young man
Who would always sit on the can
He was a big chump
And took a big dump
And forgot to turn on the fan

Courtney Shelby and Ashley McGillis

Samantha said...

I'm an A student from SIU
Some days this place feels like a zoo
I just wanted to pass
because I liked the class
So I turned in my homework when due.

Samantha and Dana

Angela Wille said...

There once was a student from SIU
Who always was going “ACHU”
He came back from the farm
With a shot in his arm
Because he contracted swine flu.

Stephanie Schofield, Eric Yearian, Angela Wille

Shaya Barnett said...

There once was a girl from our class
Whose car did not have any gas
She traveled for miles
And suffered some wiles
How lucky for her she missed class

Shaya Barnett Michara Canty Laura Melfi

heather said...
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heather said...

There once was a girl in a class
she was worried she had a fat ass
she felt oh so blue
that she picked SIU
so she decided to start smoking grass!

Heather, Liza, and Jordan

Rosalind said...

by Lila and Rosalind

A Carbondale girl named Jill,
Whose only wish was to fulfill

The ideals of a nurse,
With the pills in her purse,

And prescriptions for her own refill.

Henry said...

There once was a man from Belize
Who picked up chicks with a breeze.
He picked up a man
With a gun in his hand,
He took his wallet and shot out his knees.

Henry Phillips, Dan Sokolowski, Diana Howell

laranp said...

there once was a student from Illinois,
He only wanted to play with his toy.
Procrastination bit him in the ass,
So he decided to fail the class.
And now he's a failing boy.
- Lara Nederveen Pieterse

Henry said...

There once was a man from the Dale
Who was always chasing some tale.
He went to the bar,
Then got in his car,
And now he’s headed to jail.

By Henry Phillips, Dan Sokolowski, Diana Howell

Nathan Maul said...

Finals week made him feel cruddy
So he went to hang out with his buddy
Some fun they were thinking
Involved some binge drinking
And now he's too shitty to study

-Nathan Maul

Nadia said...

Nadia & Emilie

In english class there once was a girl.
She did not want to give it a whirl.
The girl failed every test, because she stained her lucky vest.
For a price, she got a tutor named Merle.

Lauryn said...

There once was a girl from SIU
who dated a tall boy named Lou

The did not go to class
They would not pass

So they sit there in tears and said boo

Lauryn Fisherkeller, Megan Caraballo, Jennifer Bond

SARAC said...
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Dr. Voss said...

By Julia Longueville, Monica Brennan, and Jacke Bessette

I once met a teacher named Voss
Who thought she was the boss.

She gave us a test
and it was a mess.

So we went to the bar and got sauced.

SARAC said...

There once was a man from St. Leon
Who spoke perfect grammar in Klingon
He tried for a date
But it wasn't his fate
On his hand he would not have a ring on